NY Tech Meetup April Event https://nytm.org/events/meetup/april-1-2014-nytm
April 1 2014 NYTM
Join fellow technologists for an evening of live demos from companies developing great technology in New York.
Can’t make it to the Meetup? You can watch the live video stream provided by MLB Advanced Media HERE.
Here’s the lineup for the April 1, 2014 NY Tech Meetup (listed in alpha order):
Patented smart pill bottles to improve medication adherence and patient engagement
A network of beautiful city spaces you can unlock at any time
a better way to communicate at work
Founded by Geraldine Laybourne (Nickelodeon), Sara Levinson (MTV), John Borthwick
(Betaworks), and David S. Bennahum (Punch), Kandu is a tool that lets kids make games and apps– without knowing how to code
Voice Automation for the Internet of Things
Shufflrr organizes PowerPoint slides and other files needed to easily build, broadcast and track compliant, up-to-date presentations
Skillcrush is a fun, community-driven way to learn digital skills
Stream Web
Stream Web: A mobile browser for a mobile world
WeWork is the home for entrepreneurs
Emergency Zack Morris
Emergency Zack Morris: Helps New Yorkers get their Saved By the Bell Fix – try it out at 718-395-5255
Unite US
The easiest way to connect the military community to local resources and opportunities